The Down East (NC) Rural Transportation Planning Organization recently published their 2009-2015 TIP Draft Prioritization Submittal.
You can see it here.
Couple of things I saw of interest:
You can see it here.
Couple of things I saw of interest:
- A request for a feasibility study of an NC 306 bridge over the Neuse River. This would replace an existing ferry.
- A request for a feasibility study for a mid-island bridge to the Bouge Banks. This would connect NC 24 to NC 58 (between Emerald Isle to Atlantic Beach). There are already two crossings from the mainland to the Bouge Banks.
- Widen and resurface NC 307 in Vandemere - One word "Why?"
- They also back the proposed and planned US 17 New Bern Bypass and the US 70 bypasses of Northern Carteret and Havelock.