A few weeks ago, a blog reader made the following comment on my post " Will Charlotte stop complaining about I-485 now? ": Adam, do you have any idea if the equity formula will be modified or dropped in the next few years? With rural areas losing clout in the state government to the more urbanized Piedmont, and the larger number of discontented voters voicing their concerns in the Piedmont, it seems likely to me that NCDOT and/or the General Assembly will want to alter this some way soon. That would be a shame for our rural areas of course, particularly in the east and west, but as an urbanite in the Triangle, I frankly think it needs to happen, as right now the major metropolitan areas just are not getting what they need if they want to continue to boom transportation-wise this century. Your thoughts? A great comment and question by the reader. So here goes. (Editors note: Brian or Bob if you want to write your own opinion to this comment - feel free.) : The first part...
Because every road has a story.