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California State Route 33 and legacy of US Route 399 on the Maricopa-Ventura Highway

California State Route 33 is a 290 mile (about 323 including multiplexes) State Highway spanning from Ventura at US Route 101 north to Interstate 5 near Tracy.  California State Route 33 offers a scenic alternate from the Pacific Coast over former US Route 399 via the Ventura-Maricopa Highway to San Joaquin Valley.  Within San Joaquin Valley California State Route 33 largely is known as the main street connecting it's western communities.  Depicted above is an overlook of California State Route 33 and the Maricopa-Ventura Highway snaking through Wheeler Gorge.  Pictured below is reverse view of the Maricopa-Ventura Highway shortly after it opened in October 1933.  The Maricopa-Ventura Highway would become part of US Route 399 in 1934 and would be absorbed into California State Route 33 in 1964.  

The present alignment of California State Route 33 can be observed below.


Part 1; the history of California State Route 33

The origin of modern California State Route 33 ("CA 33") would begin with 1913 Legislative Chapter 610 which declared a State Highway between Ventura and Bakersfield.  The Chapter 610 State Highway definition is very exacting in detail and can be viewed in full on  The 1913 Legislative Chapter 610 State Highway largely corresponds to current CA 33 between Ventura-Taft and CA 119 between Taft-Bakersfield.

Later Legislative Route Number 57 ("LRN 57") which was defined by 1915 Legislative Chapter 748 as the following:

"from a point on the present located state highway in Kern County S (LRN 4 and future US Route 99) of Bakersfield to the town of Nordhoff, Ventura County."

Notably Nordhoff is an older name for the community of Ojai.  Ultimately LRN 57 would changed drastically during the 1919 Third State Highway Bond Act to a highway plotted from Freemans Junction near Santa Maria to Bakersfield.  In time LRN 57 would form the basis for what would become CA 166.  

1929 Legislative Chapter 541 would amend the 1913 Legislative Chapter 610 State Highway definition and solidify it as LRN 138:

" amended to read as follows: A certain highway now partly constructed by several counties through which the same passes and by joint highway district number six of the State of California and running substantially along the following lines: Commencing at a point in the Cuyama river valley on the state highway running between Santa Maria, Maricopa, and Bakersfield, and known as LRN 57 of the state highway system, and running thence SR-ly up the Cuyama river valley to a point in Ventura County; thence S-ly over the Coast Range mountains and through the Santa Barbara national forest to Matilka Hot Springs; thence SE-ly to the city of San Bueanaventura.  The entire lengthy from San Buenaventura to LRN 57 of the state highway in the Cuyama valley is hereby declared to be, and is hereby constituted a, state highway... provided that said highway shall not become a state highway ... until said highway shall been fully completed."

By 1931 the three Matilija Tunnels on LRN 138 in Wheeler Gorge had been completed.  The April 1932 California Highways & Public Works discusses the continuing construction of LRN 138 from Ventura to LRN 57 in Cuyama Valley.  LRN 138 stated to be in the process of construction via an alignment following; Ojai Valley, Wheeler Gorge, the Sespe Gorge and Pine Mountain.  LRN 138 is referred to the "Maricopa-Ventura Highway," numerous photos of the completed Matilija Tunnels along with the road in Wheeler Gorge are displayed.  

The October/November 1933 California Highways & Public Works details the opening of the Maricopa-Ventura Highway on October 22nd, 1933.  The Maricopa-Ventura Highway is stated to have been conceptualized via an 1890 survey over Pine Mountain south to Ventura.  The 1890 survey was followed by wagon road being constructed over Pine Mountain to Ventura during 1891.  The communities of Maricopa and Taft organized a "Good Roads Club" in 1911 which led to a political movement to explore upgrading the Pine Mountain-Ventura Wagon Road to State Highway standards.  Numerous photos from the early Maricopa-Ventura Highway are displayed.

During 1933 LRN 138 was extended north from LRN 57 to LRN 10 in Coalinga.  In the August 1934 California Highways and Public Works Guide the Sign State Routes were announced.   CA 33 is announced as a State Highway originating at US Route 50 ("US 50") near Tracy and terminating at CA 166/LRN 57 in Maricopa.  CA 33 is shown to follow LRN 41 from Tracy south to Mendota, locally maintain highways south to Coalinga and LRN 138 south to Maricopa.  An unnumbered US Route is shown to be planned to follow LRN 140 from Bakersfield and LRN 138 over the Maricopa-Ventura Highway.  

First mention of US 399 can be found in a letter by the Division of Highways to the AASHO Executive Secretary dated September 6th, 1934.  US 399 appears as a proposed US Route which would connect US 101 to US 99.  US 399 is described as having a proposed length of 131 miles beginning from a south terminus at US 101 in Ventura along with a north terminus at US 99 in Bakersfield.

The full alignments of CA 33 and US 399 can be observed on the 1935 Gousha Highway Map of California.

 US 399 was announced in the October 1935 California Highways & Public Works. 

CA 33 was a rare Signed State Highway that was actually signed over portions of locally maintained roadways.  CA 33 can be seen signed over local roadways from CA 180/LRN 41 in Mendota south to CA 198/LRN 10 near Coalinga on the 1938 Division of Highways Map.  

Within the City of Firebaugh original alignment of CA 33/LRN 41 was routed around the Outside Canal on Washoe Avenue to Nees Avenue.  CA 33 would have entered Firebaugh via 12th Street and traversed the downtown area on O Street and 8th Street.  The original alignment of CA 33 in Firebaugh can be seen below on the 1935 California Division of Highways Map of Fresno County.

CA 33/LRN 41 in Firebaugh straightened and realigned during 1939 onto N Street according to the February 1940 California Highways & Public Works.  The realignment of CA 33/LRN 41 in Firebaugh is stated to have been a corporative project between the Division of Highways and Southern Pacific Railroad which was borne out of interests in eliminating two railroad crossings.  

The 1950 Division of Highways State Map shows CA 33 extended from Maricopa via CA 166/LRN 57 to US 99/LRN 4.  

The January/February 1955 California Highways & Public Works announced that preparations for the first 4 miles of the Ojai Freeway were nearing completion.  The Ojai Freeway was slated to be a realignment of US 399/LRN 138 off of Main Street and Ventura Avenue in the City of the Ventura.

1955 Legislative Chapter 1912 extended LRN 138 north from Coalinga to Mendota which closed the gap in the  locally maintained segment of CA 33.  The extended LRN 138 north from Coalinga to Mendota can be seen on the 1956 Division of Highways Map State Map.  

The January/February 1957 California Highways & Public Works announced the first 4.1 miles of the Ojai Freeway opened as a realignment of US 399/LRN 138 during December 1956.  The first segment of the Ojai Freeway began at US 101/LRN 2 on West Main Street near downtown Ventura.  The Ojai Freeway is stated to have a planned future interchange to intersect the Ventura Freeway when it was extended through Ventura.

The September/October 1962 California Highways & Public Works displays the ongoing freeway construction in Ventura County.  The Ventura Freeway through the City of Ventura is shown to be near completion is stated to have a likely opening during late October 1962.  The extension of the Ventura Freeway would serve to remove US 101/LRN 2 from Main Street/Garden Street/Thompson Boulevard through the City of Ventura and connect with the Ojai Freeway/US 399 via an interchange structure.  

The original alignment of CA 33/LRN 138 south of Coalinga utilized Merced Avenue and Lost Hills Road.  CA 33/LRN 138 shown to be shifted onto Jayne Avenue on the 1963 Division of Highways State Map suggesting a maintenance swap occurred during 1962.  

The 1962 Division of Highways State Map. 

The 1963 Division of Highways State Map.

The March/April 1963 California Highways & Public Works features a photo of the recently completed Ventura Freeway through the City of Ventura.  The Ojai Freeway interchange can be observed in the far background.   

On May 1st, 1963 the Division of Highways submitted a request to the AASHO Executive Committee to remove US 399 as part of the planned 1964 California State Highway Renumbering.   This request was considered by the AASHO Executive Committee on June 19th, 1963 and met with their approval.  US 399 subsequently would effectively cease to exist come New Year 1964.  US 399 was replaced by CA 119 from Bakersfield to Taft and saw CA 33 realigned from Maricopa via the Ventura-Maricopa Highway to Ventura.  The Legislative Route Numbers were also dropped during the 1964 State Highway Renumbering.

CA 33 can be seen realigned from Maricopa over the Ventura-Maricopa Highway to Ventura on the 1964 Division of Highways State Map.  

The never finished extension of the Ojai Freeway to CA 150 appears as a planned highway on the 1967 Division of Highways State Map

The original alignment of CA 33 north Coalinga followed Coalinga-Mendota Road north to Derrick Avenue.  Bridge stamps on the West Side Freeway segment of Interstate 5 ("I-5") between Exit 337 at CA 145 north to Exit 349 show the structures were completed by 1968.  When I-5 was completed between Exit 337 and Exit 349 CA 33 was realigned onto a multiplex.  The shift in CA 33 from a standalone alignment to a Exit 337-349 multiplex of I-5 can be observed by comparing the 1970 Division of Highways State Map to 1975 Caltrans State Map.  

The 1970 Division of Highways Map.

The 1975 Caltrans State Map. 

The original alignment of CA 33 from Santa Nella to Los Banos originally followed; Henry Miller Avenue, Ingomar Grade, H Street, 7th Street and I Street.  CA 33 was realigned in 1972 onto a multiplex of CA 152 west of Los Banos and north over what was the original CA 207 to Santa Nella.  1972 Legislative Chapter 1216 transferred the entirety of the original CA 207 to CA 33.  The shift in the alignment of CA 33 between Santa Nella and Los Banos can be observed by comparing the 1970 Division of Highways State Map to the 1975 Caltrans State Map. 

The 1970 Division of Highways Map.

The 1975 Caltrans State Map. 

CA 33 was truncated from I-205 in Tracy to I-5 near Vernalis as part of 1976 Legislative Chapter 1354.  The truncated CA 33 can be first seen on the 1977 Caltrans State Map.  

Part 2; a drive on California State Route 33

CA 33 northbound begins in the City of Ventura at an interchange structure connecting US 101 on Ventura Freeway to CA 33 on the Ojai Freeway.  

The Ojai Freeway does not contain any Exit Numbers and largely is still signed with button copy.  CA 33 northbound on the Ojai Freeway accesses the Stanley Avenue Exit at Postmile VEN 1.58.  Maricopa is signed as 79 miles away as CA 33 approaches Stanley Avenue.

CA 33 northbound on the Ojai Freeway intersects the Shell Road Exit at Postmile VEN 2.66.

CA 33 northbound on the Ojai Freeway accesses the Canada Larga Road Exit at Postmile VEN R4.50. 

CA 33 northbound on the Ojai Freeway accesses the Castias Vista Road Exit at Postmile VEN R5.66.

CA 33 northbound merges with the original alignment of US 399 as the Ojai Freeway ends at Postmile VEN T5.904.  As the Ojai Freeway ends and a Safety Corridor on northbound CA 33 begins as it transitions to the Maricopa-Ventura Highway. 

The below photo was taken in 2016 and displays former US 399 on Ventura Avenue crossing under the Ojai Freeway.

Returning to modern CA 33 the highway north of Ventura passes through the communities of Casitas Springs and Oak View before meeting CA 150 at Baldwin Road in Mira Monte at approximately Postmile VEN 11.215.

CA 33 northbound multiplexes CA 150 through Mira Monte before splitting away at Ojai Avenue. 

CA 33 northbound makes a left hand turn and proceeds through downtown Ojai.  Maricopa is signed as 69 miles away on CA 33 northbound.

CA 33 continues north into Los Padres National Forest following the course of the Ventura River to it's source at the confluence of Matilija Creek and the North Fork Matilija Creek near Ojala at approximately Postmile VEN 15.363.

CA 33 northbound begins to follow North Fork Matilija Creek as it ascends into Wheeler Gorge.  At approximately Post Mile VEN 18.239 CA 33 north begins to pass through the three Matilija Tunnels.  The Matilija Tunnels are known as the; South Tunnel, Middle Tunnel and North Tunnel.  As noted in Part 1 all three Matilija Tunnels were completed in 1931. 

CA 33 northbound begins climb through Wheeler Gorge upon departing the course of the North Fork Matilija Creek.  The alignment of CA 33 through Wheeler Gorge includes some long-switch backs on an incredibly fun roadway.  Near Posmile VEN 24.700 there is a worthwhile vista which isn't signed.

From the vista there is almost 360 degree views of CA 33 ascending through Wheeler Gorge.  To the southwest Santa Cruz Island of Channel National Park can be seen on a clear day.

A panoramic of CA 33 climbing the Ventura-Maricopa Highway through Wheeler Gorge. 

The same view of the Maricopa-Ventura Highway in 2019 compared to 1933.

At Postmile VEN 25.799 CA 33 northbound intersects Rose Valley Road/Forest Route 6N31.

CA 33 northbound crosses into the Santa Clara Rivershed and begins to follow Sespe Creek into Sespe Gorge.

CA 33 northbound begins to climb out of Sespe Gorge near Postmile VEN 38.64 towards Pine Mountain Summit.

CA 33 northbound gradually ascends to Pine Mountain Summit at 5,160 feet above sea level.  Pine Mountain Summit is located at Postmile VEN 42.72.

CA 33 northbound begins to lose elevation at Pine Mountain Summit as it crosses into the Cuyama River watershed.  At approximately Postmile VEN 44.40 another unsigned overlook can be found from which the Cuyama River and Valley can be seen in the distance.

CA 33 northbound descends into Cuyama Valley and has an intersection with Lockwood Valley Road at Postmile VEN 48.494.

CA 33 northbound follows the course of the Cuyama River out of Los Padres National Forest at approximately Postmile VEN 56.505.  At Postmile VEN 57.500 CA 33 northbound enters Santa Barbara County.

At Postmile SB 3.207 CA 33 northbound passes through the community of Ventucopa.

At approximately Postmile SB 8.182 CA 33 northbound enters San Luis Obispo County.

CA 33 northbound meets CA 166 in Cuyama Valley at approximately Postmile SLO 2.756.  Northbound CA 33 begins a easterly multiplex of CA 166 towards Taft which is signed as being 14 miles away.

Directly east of the CA 166 junction CA 33/CA 166 enters Kern County at approximately Postmile SLO 4.950.

CA 33/166 has a somewhat significant junction at Soda Lake Road (Post Mile KER 2.4.77) which continues northward to CA 58 through Carrizo Plain National Monument.  Soda Lake Road largely follows the general path of the San Andreas Fault.

CA 33/166 descends a 7% grade east towards Maricopa.  The Maricopa-Ventura Highway segment of CA 33 terminates in Maricopa.

CA 33 splits away from CA 166 on California Street in Maricopa at approximately Postmile KER R11.553.  As stated in Part 1 CA 33 from 1950 to 1964 continued east on CA 166 to US 99.

CA 33 northbound utilizes California Street through downtown Maricopa.  Exiting Maricopa the route of CA 33 northbound is signed as being 7 miles away.

The land between Maricopa and Taft is heavily drilled for oil.  On Petroleum Club Road there is a historic sign directing traffic to the Lakeview Gusher #1.

CA 33 northbound enters the outskirts of Taft and goes through a series of passing zones before the junction with CA 119 at approximately Postmile KER 17.836.  CA 33 northbound continues through Taft as Kern Street whereas CA 119 heads east towards Bakersfield.  Originally CA 33 met US 399 at 6th Street when the latter highway was aligned through Taft before bypass now utilized by CA 119 was constructed.

Upon passing through Taft CA 33 transitions onto West Side Highway.  The origins of Taft dates back to the Sunset Railroad and when it was established as "Siding Number 2."  The name of the community was changed to Taft in 1909 and it incorporated as a City in 1910.   The older downtown district of Taft along with a Fox Theater can be found on Center Street.  

North of Taft CA 33 is signed as 15 miles from McKittrick. 

CA 33 northbound generally follows a northwestern path from Taft in the foothills above San Joaquin Valley.  

CA 33 northbound enters Derby Acres a short distance from McKittrick.

CA 33 northbound enters McKittrick it picks up CA 58 east at approximately Postmile KER 33.444.

CA 33 north/CA 58 east enter downtown McKittrick multiplexed on 2nd Street.  McKittrick dates back to 1910 and is named after a local rancher.  The only notable structure truly left in McKittrick is the McKittrick Hotel.

North of downtown McKittrck CA 58 splits away from CA 33 at approximately Postmile KER 34.278.

The next major way point on CA 33 northbound of McKittrick is CA 46 at Blackwell's Corner.

CA 33 northbound begins to descend out of the oil laden foothills into San Joaquin Valley.  The only name community that CA 33 northbound enters before CA 46 is Missouri Triangle at Lost Hills Road.

CA 33 northbound encounters the humorously named "Brown Material Road" at approximately Postmile KER 54.768.

CA 33 north intersects CA 46 at Postmile KER R60.15 in Blackwell's Corner.  Blackwell's Corner is mostly known for being the last place James Dean was seen alive on US Route 466.

Avenal is signed as being 31 miles north of Blackwell's Corner on CA 33.

CA 33 northbound enters Kings County at approximately Postmile KER 73.736.

CA 33 intersects CA 41 at approximately Postmile KIN 7.79.

North of Reef Station CA 33 straddles a valley between the Kettleman Hills and the Diablo Range.  CA 33 northbound intersects CA 269 at approximately Postmile KIN 17.086 in Avenal.

North of Avenal CA 33 enters Fresno County at approximately Postmile KIN 18.925.  Coalinga is located 18 miles northwest of Avenal.  CA 33 continues north to Jayne Avenue where it turns west towards Coalinga.  CA 33 northbound enters Coalinga at Warthan Creek where it transitions to Polk Street.

CA 33 northbound makes a right hand turn onto 5th Street and reaches CA 198 at approximately Postmile FRE 15.705.  

CA 33 follows 5th Street to CA 198 in front of Coalinga Plaza.

The junction of CA 33 at CA 198 on 5th Street in Coalinga used to look far different.  Coalinga was heavily damaged in a earthquake in 1983 which led to most of the vintage buildings being demolished.  CA 33 north on 5th Street approaching CA 198 in 1940 can be viewed below.

CA 33/198 exit Coalinga and ascend into the Kettleman Hills via Fresno-Coalinga Road, Mendota is signed as 46 miles to the north.  CA 198 splits away from CA 33 at approximately Postmile FRE 24.339.

Mendota is signed as 38 miles northward on CA 33 from the CA 198 split.

CA 33 continues north through the Kettleman Hills where it meets it's former alignment on Coalinga-Mendota Road Postmile FRE 27.023.

Coalinga-Mendota Road facing northbound.

Facing southbound at the terminus of Coalinga-Mendota Road into the Kettleman Hills. 

In the winter of 2019 I drove Coalinga-Mendota Road from modern CA 33 north to Derrick Avenue.  North of modern CA 33 during winter there is a highly scenic view of the road ahead descending the Kettleman Hills to San Joaquin Valley.

Coalinga-Mendota Road quickly descends out of the Kettleman Hills onto an overpass of I-5.

Coalinga-Mendota Road does not stray far from I-5 and acts as a frontage road.

Coalinga-Mendota Road facing the Diablo Range during a winter rain storm. 

Coalinga-Mendota Road ascends over I-5 again to the western flank of the freeway.

Coalinga-Mendota Road continues northward along the western side of I-5 before meeting it again along with CA 33 at Derrick Avenue.

Returning to modern CA 33 it descends sharply out of the Kettleman Hills to a junction with I-5 and CA 145 at approximately Postmile FRE R29.000.  As described in Part 1 CA 33 joins I-5 whereas CA 145 continues on Coalinga-Fresno Road.

CA 33 northbound is signed fairly well on I-5.  The I-5/CA 33 multiplex ends as stated above at Derrick Avenue at Exit 349.

North of I-5 the route of CA 33 is signed as 5 miles from Three Rocks and 24 from Mendota. 

Three Rocks is located at the intersection of CA 33 and Clarkson Avenue.  Alongside CA 33 there is a couple abandoned commercial structures in Three Rocks.

Mendota is signed as 17 miles to the north on CA 33 from Clarkson Avenue in Three Rocks.

Between Three Rocks and Mendota CA 33 crosses the San Luis Canal.

On the outskirts of Mendota CA 33 meets Panoche Road which was once signed as CA 180 westward towards the Diablo Range.

At Belmont Avenue CA 33 meets County Route J1 at Postmile FRE 61.446 at the City Limits of Mendota.   Mendota dates back to the early 1890s when it was established as a rail siding of the Southern Pacific Railroad but is more well known for an unemployment rate that reached 45% in 2011.

CA 33 continues north through downtown Mendota and meets the western terminus of CA 180 at approximately Post Mile FRE 62.200.

A button copy CA 33 sign can be observed as the highway approaches a rail overpass in the northern extent of Mendota. 


CA 33 north of Mendota is signed as 8 miles from Firebaugh.

CA 33 reaches the City of Firebaugh near the Outside Canal.

In June of 2019 I drove the original alignment of CA 33 in Firebaugh heading southbound.  My approach to downtown Firebaugh was on N Street where I made a left hand turn onto 8th Street.

CA 33 would have turned right from 8th Street onto O Street.  Until recently an older car dealership was located at the corner of 8th Street and O Street but was recently demolished.

CA 33 south would have traversed downtown Firebaugh on O Street before making a right hand turn onto 12th Street.  12th Street east would have accessed the 1885 Firebaugh Drawbridge over the San Joaquin River which was built upon the rough location of Firebaugh's Ferry.

CA 33 south originally continued west on 12th Street over the Southern Pacific Railroad and Main Canal to Washoe Avenue.

Returning to modern CA 33 northbound the highway continues directly north over the Outside Canal and the Main Canal into downtown Firebaugh on N Street.

CA 33 northbound intersects 13th Street in downtown Firebaugh.  13th Street can be used to cross the San Joaquin River towards Madera. 

CA 33 northbound is carried on N Street through downtown Firebaugh.  At 12th Street traffic is advised it can be used to reach I-5.

Dos Palos is signed as 14 miles to the north of Firebaugh on CA 33.

Originally CA 33 entered Dos Palos via Brannon Avenue.  From Brannon Avenue CA 33 followed Valeria Avenue, Center Street and Blossom Street towards Dos Palos Y.  This alignment was replaced during 1966 in a cooperative project between the Division of Highways, Fresno County and city of Dos Palos.  Modern CA 33 enters Merced County just south of Dos Palos at Postmile FRE 81.798.

CA 33 northbound is aligned on Elgin Avenue through Dos Palos.

Los Banos is signed as 16 miles to the north of Dos Palos on CA 33.

CA 33 northbound intersects CA 152 at Postmile MER L5.678 at Dos Palos Y.  CA 33 begins a multiplex of the CA 152 expressway towards Los Banos.  Originally CA 33 would have turned left onto CA 152 at what is now Azusa Avenue at Dos Palos Y.  The original alignment of CA 33 at Dos Palos Y was replaced during the 1968-69 Fiscal Year.  

CA 33/152 enters Los Banos as Pacheco Boulevard and meets CA 165 at approximately Route 152 Postmile MER 21.284 at Mercey Springs Road.

Originally CA 33 split from CA 152 in downtown Los Banos at I Street towards Volta and Santa Nella.

CA 33/CA 152 intersect I-5 west of Los Banos at Route 152 Postmile MER 14.12.

CA 33 splits off of CA 152 west of I-5 at Santa Nella Boulevard at Postmile MER 11.281.

CA 33 northbound continues over the original CA 207 alignment and O'Neill Forebay to Santa Nella.  In Santa Nella CA 33 meets it's former alignment at Henry Miller Avenue at Postmile MER 16.27.

Santa Nella was part of Rancho de Centinela which was established in 1810.  Rancho de Centinela was located at the junction of the route over Pacheco Pass and El Camino Viejo.  By the 20th Century "Rancho de Centienla" had been bastardized into the English as "Santa Nella."

CA 33 northbound crosses over I-5 at Postmile MER 16.6 in Santa Nella.

North of I-5 the route of CA 33 continues towards to Gustine for approximately 10 miles and intersects CA 140 Sullivan Road at approximately Post Mile MER 26.458

CA 33 north and CA 140 east multiplex into downtown Gustine on South Avenue before splitting away on Railroad Avenue at approximately Postmile MER 27.114. Gustine dates back to the first decade of the 20th Century as a rail siding of the Southern Pacific Railroad.  Post Office service opened in Gustine in 1907 and the community incorporated in 1915.

Newman is signed as being 4 miles away as CA 33 northbound departs Gustine.

CA 33 intersects Canal School Road between Newman and Gustine which provides access to the China Island Wildlife Area.

CA 33 northbound crosses the Stanislaus County Line at approximately Postmile MER 30.33 near the City Limits of Newman.  Newman dates back to 1888 and largely has an agricultural economy.  CA 33 northbound traverses Newman on N Street.

Patternson is signed as 13 miles away on CA 33 northbound departing Newman.

North of the Newman City Limits CA 33 intersects County Route J18 at Stuhr Road at Postmile STA 2.056.

From Stuhr Road Crow's Landing is signed as 5 miles away on CA 33 northbound.

Crow's Landing was originally a ferry crossing of the San Joaquin River and was located 4 miles to the east on Crow's Landing Road.  The community moved to the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1887.  

CA 33 northbound departing Crow's Landing is signed as 6 miles from Patterson. 

CA 33 northbound traverses Patterson on 2nd Street and intersects County Route J17 at Las Palmas Avenue at approximately Postmile STA 12.608.  Patterson originally was part of a large ranch purchased by John Patterson in 1866.  The Patterson Ranch was subdivided in 1909 and became a city in 1919.

CA 33 north of Patterson follows the railroad for approximately 7 miles to Westley.  CA 33 north of Patterson utilizes several rail overpasses. 

CA 33 intersects County Route J16 at Howard Road/Grayson Road in Westley at Postmile STA 19.562.  

CA 33 northbound departing Wesley is signed as 7 miles from Vernalis.

CA 33 northbound crosses over a overpass and entering San Joaquin County and Vernalis at approximately Postmile STA 27.080.  The present site of Vernalis was a relocation of the previous community of San Joaquin which moved to the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1888.  

CA 33 northbound intersects CA 132 at an underpass in Vernalis at Postmile SJ 0.889.

CA 33 continues another 5 miles northward reaching it's terminus at I-5 at Postmile SJ 5.001.

Version History

-  Originally published; 7-26-18
-  Updated 8-20-21

US Route 99 on Gribblenation

This blog is part of the larger Gribblenation US Route 99 Page.  For more information pertaining to the other various segments of US Route 99 and it's three-digit child routes check out the link the below.


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