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Showing posts from January, 2021

New Camera? Let's Roadgeek!

For Christmas, my wife got me a new Canon 90D Camera to upgrade from the Canon Rebel XSi I've had since 2009.   Though I have done two small items with the camera so far, yesterday was really my first chance to try it out on a trip.  It was a local roadgeek loop - I went along NC 150, Old US 52, and NC 8 on a loop to get some crossroads and take in some roads I haven't been on yet.  Fortunately, I got a lot of new surprises on the way.  If you'd like to see the whole Flickr set of 153 photos, head here . The 1924 Wil-Cox Bridge was a highlight from my trip yesterday. My first surprise was in Salisbury.  Along South Main Street, there is an Art & Graffiti Park that I found really interesting.  Established in 2018, the Salisbury Graffiti Park encourages local street artists to experiment and try out their ideas but also be able to share their work at the same time.   The park has 12 large wooden art walls and three boulders that are used t...

Wakefield Covered Bridge - Quebec

  Not far north of the city centers of Ottawa and Gatineau lies the scenic Wakefield Covered Bridge in Wakefield, Quebec. Built as a modified Town Lattice Truss design and spanning 288 feet across the Gatineau River, the Wakefield Covered Bridge was built in 1997 to replace the Gendron Covered Bridge, which was built in 1915. The original bridge was burned by an act of arson in 1984, which led local residents to plan for a new covered bridge to be built in its place. The Wakefield Bridge is a pedestrian bridge, with nearby Quebec Route 366 serving vehicular traffic just to the north across the river. During the early decades of the 20th Century, the Province of Quebec sought to encourage settlement and development of its hinterlands under the mandate of the Ministry of Colonization. This included locales along the Gatineau River north of Ottawa. One element of this program was to finance the construction of roads and bridges. As a result of the program, a few covered bridges were b...