Front Rank (L to R) The RT HON Comrade Mister Otto Yamamoto of Hollywood BFMAP, SALF, RSP-mit Tom der Schiavo Hund(actually, just rank), Brian Polidoro, Jeff Kitsko Back Rank (L to R) Brian Powell, Chris Jordan, Doug Kerr, Alex Nitzman, Jim Hinkson, Mark Sinsabaugh, Corey Dukes, Mike Browne Photo taken by Adam Prince. Snaps from before, after and during the meet! Doug Kerr drove. As Usual. Photos and commentary were taken by Otto Yamamoto in April 2005. We have decided to keep the photos and commentary as true to form as possible to the original article. The photos were hosted by Gribblenation on a previous incarnation of our site, and we are proud to be able to bring back this classic article. NY 369 Junction on the IH 88 westbound. Crappy olde text sine for the upcoming NY 17 east split on the southbound IH 81. Doncha hate when you forget something? A slightly longer shot of the bridge. A slightly longer shot of the bridge. The inauspicious END! of US 220, more or l...
Because every road has a story.