Welcome to the gateway page for Gribblenation’s series on the bridges of the lower Mississippi River in Memphis, TN! Here you will find links to information about the four bridges that span the river at Memphis. The bridges of Memphis were constructed during the period between the height of the railroad era in the 1890s and the height of the modern interstate highway era of the 1970s. Each has a unique story to tell and all play a vital part in the transportation system of the northern Mississippi Delta. From left to right, the Harahan Bridge (1916), Frisco Bridge (1892), and Memphis & Arkansas Bridge (1949) combine to create one of the most impressive bridge-related visuals on the Mississippi River. Frisco Bridge The Frisco Railroad Bridge was built in 1892 and was the first bridge built across the lower Mississippi River. It is therefore the oldest standing bridge on the lower river. Frisco Bridge (1892) Harahan Bridge/"Big River Crossing" The Harahan Bridge was built i...
Because every road has a story.